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Billing and Coding


Stable, Chronic vs. Chronic With Exacerbation/Progression

by Dr. Michael Warshaw, DPM, CPC

“As a general question, I am wondering if a physician documents that the patient has had symptoms for longer than a year and has failed conservative/other treatment, can this problem be considered as “chronic with exacerbation/progression”? I am referring to the verbiage in the CPT book (page 13, under Stable, chronic illness) regarding the expected duration of at least 1 year and am wondering if it is applicable in this scenario. Also, I know that a diagnosis of osteoarthritis is inherently considered “chronic”, but I am wondering if there are other diagnoses that can be considered ‘chronic’, as well?”
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Denial of Reimbursement for SNF Patient Care

by Dr. Michael Warshaw, DPM, CPC

“This past summer, one of my patients who was suffering from a diabetic foot ulcer was admitted to a skilled nursing facility (SNF) following a hospital discharge. During her admission to the SNF, I continued to care for her in my office, including ulcer debridement and radiographs. Medicare is denying payment for her ulcer debridements (CPT 97597) as well as the technical component of her radiographs (CPT 73630-TC) on the grounds that “all SNF Part A inpatient services are paid under a prospective payment system (PPS)” and that “services that are considered within the scope or capability of SNFs are considered paid in the PPS rate.” In other words, Medicare considers the care that I rendered to be bundled with the payment to the SNF for admission, and therefore the SNF should have been doing it themselves, and that if I want payment I need to bill the SNF since they–in Medicare’s view–outsourced the ulcer care to me. While I fully expect the SNF to balk at any requests for payment from me, and I believe it might still be worth my time to appeal to an Administrative Law Judge, I would like to know if anyone has experienced this? In the future, if I am going to care for the ulcers of my patients when they are admitted to SNFs, is there anything I can arrange with the SNF or with the patient to ensure I am compensated for their care?”
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Debridement vs Trimming

by Dr. Michael Warshaw, DPM, CPC

“All the nails were trimmed in length with a sterile nail nipper. The leading edges were debrided with the nail bur and electric podiatry drill. The debris under the edges of the great toenails was derided with the sterile curette. Is this nail trimming (CPT 11719) since we DID NOT debride the entire nail (just edges and under toe) or can we bill as CPT 11721?”
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Deconstructed Lapidus Bunionectomy

by Dr. Michael Warshaw, DPM, CPC

“A friend of mine is encouraging me to change how I bill for my Lapidus bunionectomy. I typically bill this using CPT code 28297. I am being told that I should think about billing this “alternatively” as: 1) CPT 28740 2) CPT 28292 Thoughts on this?”
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CMS Updates

Updates from CMS for the Week of September 27

by TLD Systems

Medicare has released updated articles to reflect the annual ICD-10 update. These updates are effective on October 1 and change the coding and documentation requirement for many services we provide.
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