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Practice Management

New Orthotics Alliance Helps Podiatrists Improve Patient Care & Tap into Growing Market
Practice Management

New Orthotics Alliance Helps Podiatrists Improve Patient Care & Tap into Growing Market

by Randy Rosler, National Director, Podiatry Content Connection

A new strategic alliance in the orthotics industry is poised to elevate the level of care and quality of product you provide your patients, while helping you tap into the booming orthotics market. This alliance is intended to assist you in educating your patient population about the advantages of doctor prescribed orthotics as opposed to orthotics purchased from a retail outlet.
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Practice Management

Cross your Arms the OTHER Way

by Cindy Pezza, PMAC, CEO Pinnacle Practice Achievement

Many individuals (and in my experience, most physicians) fear change in the same way that those of us who grew up in the 70s, 80s and even the early 90s feared horror movies. You know what I’m talking about. When they were filled with terrible (although we didn’t know they were terrible) special effects, unpredictable jump scares and music that you just couldn’t shake. . . “One, two, Freddy’s coming for you” (point made).
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Practice Management


by Cindy Pezza, PMAC, CEO Pinnacle Practice Achievement

An area that is often difficult to improve or change in modern day practices is scheduling. The physical act of creating new or modified blocks or changing clinic hours is NOT the problem. The problem IS the effort involved to alter “pre-existing” scheduling mindsets.
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Practice Management

It’s Better to be Decisive than Right

by Cindy Pezza, PMAC, CEO Pinnacle Practice Achievement

One of my biggest pet peeves is indecisiveness and as I get older, I find myself going to great lengths to avoid individuals who simply cannot make up their mind. In my opinion, going out for dinner should be an enjoyable experience, not a logistical nightmare of reading dozens of Yelp reviews, and changing your OpenTable reservation so many times that you end up having TUMS for dessert. 
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