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Wound Care

Wound Care Coding - Debridement Codes

Wound Care Coding - Debridement Codes

by Michael Warshaw, DPM, CPC

“I do some part time work in a wound care center. I frequently use CPT 97597 for coding. My biller is telling me not to bill CPT 97597 because it reimburses around $25 or less in a wound care center. However, the facility likes and even encourages me to use CPT 97597. If I do a selective debridement, can I bill CPT 99213 or CPT 99212 instead of CPT 97597?  I know that I should not bill CPT 99213-Modifier 25 if there isn’t a separate complaint. Am I required to bill 97597? Is this a scenario that I should be considering CPT 11042?”
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Post Operative Wound Care

Post Operative Wound Care

by Michael Warshaw, DPM, CPC

“I was consulted on a patient in hospital with a large 5th metatarsophalangeal joint ulceration. There was osteomyelitis of the proximal phalanx and metatarsal head. I performed the resection and subsequently performed a delayed closure several days later. The closure left an area open due to soft tissue deficit. This necessitated post operative wound care. I initially billed CPT 28810 and then subsequently CPT 13160. I billed CPT 11042 weekly post operatively, until the wound healed. The private insurance states that all the CPT 11042 billings are considered part of the global. Is there a modifier for submitting related charges for necessary services?”
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Urgent Incision and Drainage

Urgent Incision and Drainage

by Michael Warshaw, DPM, CPC

“I saw a patient at the wound care clinic, and he presented with an abscess that required urgent incision and drainage. I sent him directly to the emergency room for admission, work-up for sepsis and later that evening performed an incision of the 3rd intermetatarsal space, bone biopsy of the third metatarsal and application of a wound vac. I followed him while he was admitted. I am not sure how to code the initial visit in the wound care clinic. I am not sure about modifiers for the “decision for surgery.” Can I bill for the subsequent daily rounding and changes of the VAC while he was admitted? Could you please advise the proper billing?”
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Billing For an E/M

Billing For an E/M

by Michael Warshaw, DPM, CPC

“I am not sure when I should and can bill for an E/M when seeing patients for wound care. Is it reasonable to bill an E/M code if the patient returns for follow up for their ulcer and it is 100% healed? Occasionally hyperkeratotic tissue is present and sometimes I debride the callus to confirm the ulcer has healed. I always spend time on these visits educating the patient on ulcers and the diabetic foot. Would it be appropriate to code for an E/M at this visit since the vast majority of the time is spent counseling the patient prior to discharging them from care?”
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Wound Care Coding for Hospice Patients

by Dr. Michael Warshaw, DPM, CPC

“I often provide wound care for hospice patients and append the GW modifier. However, I recently read that it would be hard to defend this as the wound(s) and wound process is likely related to the patient being deconditioned and malnourished due to their hospice qualifying condition. I am looking for clarification regarding this, should I stop performing wound care services to hospice patients?”
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