Initial fee
$500 / office
First office
$55 / month
Second office
$45 / month
Each add’l office
$35 / month
Discounts are available for clients of:
Malpractice Insurance Carriers
As state insurance departments approve the new PICA policy, the CyberAssurance coverage endorsement is included at an annual aggregate limit of $50,000 at no additional cost, per individual. With this cyber liability protection, you receive coverage for wrongful acts or breaches, defense costs, regulatory fines and penalties or compensatory awards, privacy breach response costs, patient notification expense, credit monitoring, and network asset protection. Endorsements are underwritten by NAS Insurance Services. Additional coverage can be purchased.
EHR Vendors
Associations and Groups
HOPE Services
HOPE Services is the nation's fastest growing podiatry purchasing group. HOPE members receive discounts from industry leading supply and service-line partners through our collaborative approach. Our members see benefits day one. We strive to give our members the tools to streamline business partnerships, and our diversified portfolio allows us to use collective buying power to drive down those supply and service costs. Register today and start saving by visiting us at or by contacting Ben Knight at

Refunds and cancellations
When you sign up with us, you are signing up for a service. You will receive a HIPAA Security Manual that is valid for 12 months and is a major step towards satisfying the federal HIPAA requirements. Therefore the initial setup fee is non refundable.
Each time you generate a new HIPAA manual you are agreeing to continuing with our service for 12 months after the date of that manual
If you cancel prior to 12 months of service there is a $600 cancellation fee / office location
You may cancel any time after 12 months with no penalty.
Should you wish to cancel please call 631 403 6687 and ask to speak to billing.
Updated pricing posted June 5, 2023