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Measure 317: Preventive Care and Screening - Screening for High Blood Pressure and Follow-Up Documentation

Measure 317: Preventive Care and Screening - Screening for High Blood Pressure and Follow-Up Documentation

by Michael Brody, DPM, CEO Registry Clearinghouse

Measure 317 is to have the office screen for high blood pressure. If the blood pressure is considered to be high, there must be a follow-up and documentation of the follow-up.
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Understanding How Your MIPS Score is Calculated

Understanding How Your MIPS Score is Calculated

by Michael Brody, DPM, CEO Registry Clearinghouse

For Traditional MIPS you must submit 6 quality measures. You can earn up to 10 points for each quality measure. This means your maximum score for quality in the MIPS program is 60 points. Many providers automatically assume that if they have a performance of 95% on a MIPS quality measure, they will earn 9.5 out of a possible 10 points for that measure. That assumption is not always true.
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REGCLR1: Heel Pain Measure

REGCLR1: Heel Pain Measure

by Michael Brody, DPM, CEO Registry Clearinghouse

REGCLR1 measures the improvement in pain level of patients with a diagnosis of Heel Pain after an intervention. To meet the measure, the pain must have decreased significantly. As a podiatrist, this is a great measure to report on. It is podiatry specific and easy to score well.
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Overview of Medium Weight Improvement Activities

Overview of Medium Weight Improvement Activities

by Michael Brody, DPM, CEO Registry Clearinghouse

As part of the MIPS program, practices must implement improvement activities. Each Improvement activity has a point value, High Weight Activities are worth 20 points and Medium Weight Activities are worth 10 points. Each practice must earn 40 improvement activity points. In this article we will provide information on Medium Weight Activities that you can implement in your practice.
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MEX5: Hammer Toe Outcome

MEX5: Hammer Toe Outcome

by Michael Brody, DPM, CEO Registry Clearinghouse

This is a custom measure for podiatrists that is square in the clinical domain of Podiatry. The Hammer Toe Outcome is the percentage of patients who have lesser toe deformity (hammer and claw tows) causing pain that receive any type of treatment and have significant reduction in pain as a result of that intervention.
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Measure 47: Advance Care Planning

Measure 47: Advance Care Planning

by Michael Brody, DPM, CEO Registry Clearinghouse

Measure 47: Advance Care Planning is a quality measure that podiatrists can meet. Advance care planning involves speaking to patients about their plans in healthcare in advance. You can get a full 10 points on this measure.
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Improvement Activities to Help Your Bottom Line

Improvement Activities to Help Your Bottom Line

by Michael Brody, DPM, CEO Registry Clearinghouse

Specialist Reports Back to Referring Clinician or Group to Close Referral Loop and Use of QCDR Data for Ongoing Practice Assessment and Improvements are two of the medium-weight activities to meet your Improvement Activities requirement. These activities also set you up to optimize your quality measures and increase business for your office.
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Medium Weight Activities that Coordinate with Quality Measures

Medium Weight Activities that Coordinate with Quality Measures

by Michael Brody, DPM, CEO Registry Clearinghouse

Selecting Advance Care Planning and Implementation of Fall Screening and Assessment Programs as your improvement activities coordinates with hitting Quality Measure 47: Advanced Care Planning, Quality Measure 155: Developing Fall Plan of Care and Quality Measure 130: Review Medications.
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High Weight Improvement Activities for Podiatrists

High Weight Improvement Activities for Podiatrists

by Michael Brody, DPM, CEO Registry Clearinghouse

You need a total of 40 Improvement points. By completing 2 High Weight Activities, you can complete the requirement. If you are a small practice, practice in a rural area or practice in a health professional shortage area, you receive double points for each activity and only need to complete 1 High Weight Activity. Some High Weight Activities that Podiatrists can use include: CDC Training on CDC’s Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain, Completion of CDC Training on Antibiotic Stewardship, Provide 24/7 Access to Eligible Clinicians or Groups who have Real-Time Access to Patient’s Medical Record and Provide Education Opportunities for New Clinicians.
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Submit Data to Registry Clearinghouse

Submit Data to Registry Clearinghouse

by Michael Brody, DPM, CEO Registry Clearinghouse

There are four different methods to submit your data to Registry Clearinghouse; manual entry, spreadsheets, submit through billing company or directly through EHR. These four methods are detailed.
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