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Nail Biopsy

Nail Biopsy

by Michael Warshaw, DPM, CPC

“I have a patient with a longitudinal striation of her toenail, and we are going to biopsy the nail bed. What ICD-10 do code would you consider for the diagnosis for the biopsy? What is the CPT procedure code for the nail matrix?”
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Diagnosis Code for CPT 11719

by Dr. Michael Warshaw, DPM, CPC

“What diagnosis code should be used for CPT 11719, NON-dystrophic toenail debridement?”
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Complicated Toenail Surgery

by Dr. Michael Warshaw, DPM, CPC

“I have a rheumatoid patient with a grossly deformed interphalangeal joint with significant osseous malformations leading to a chronic ingrown toenail on the hallux fibular border. I have ruled out any infection, osteomyelitis, or neoplasm. The bone is grossly hypertrophic and needs excision along with the nail structures on the fibular border. There also may need to be some plastic closure performed. What are the appropriate ICD10 and CPT codes reflective of this scenario?”
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Multiple Ingrown Nail Surgeries

by Dr. Michael Warshaw, DPM, CPC

“Outpatient surgery was performed at a surgical center. We billed Blue Cross for CPT 11750 (T5) and CPT 11730 x 3 (T2, T7, T9). But they only paid CPT 11750. And the denial reasons are: ARV – Quantity billed exceeds CMS medically unlikely edits (MUE) limit. Rebill within MUE limit if appropriate. 222 – Exceeds the contracted maximum number of hours/days/units by this provider for this period. This is not patient specific. Usage: refer to the 835 healthcare policy identification segment, if present. So my question is, what is the limit to bill for ingrown nail surgery?”
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CPT 11730 Denials

by Dr. Michael Warshaw, DPM, CPC

“We have billed CPT 11730 for all 10 nails using the appropriate toe modifiers. Anthem Blue Cross paid for five of the toes but is denying the other five. The denial comes back with CO-222 (Exceeds the contracted maximum number of hours/days/units by this provider for this period. This is not patient specific.) Please advise.”
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