On April 27th, an EHR system company sent an email to hosted customers detailing a ransomware incident. According to the email, "A sophisticated criminal organization carried out a ransomware attack on some of the hosting vendor’s systems, disaster recovery site, and backups." As a result of this outage, many customers lost access to their EHR system.
The CDC has recently stated that individuals who have been vaccinated do not need to wear masks. As a result, many states have lifted mask restrictions. This begs the question of what to do if your state has lifted mask restrictions and somebody walks into your office without a mask?
“I have several healthy Medicare patients that have painful calluses. These patients come to my office, sometimes monthly complaining of painful callouses. I understand that Medicare does not cover the routine trimming of calluses in healthy patients. However, I have been billing CPT 99212-13 with the diagnosis codes of L84 (corns and callous), M77.4X (metatarsalgia). The documented management plan for L84 is discussion of moisturizing the feet, not waking barefoot, etc. and then I debride the callus. The documented management plan for metatarsalgia is discussion of metatarsalgia and surgical options, and then I place felt padding in the shoe, or modify the shoe to take pressure off the callus. My patients rarely follow my advice for moisturizing and not going barefoot; so ultimately, the calluses come back. Is this appropriate billing? The treatment I provide is instrumental in preventing a wound or ulceration from occurring (which I also document). Also, it relieves the patient of pain. Is it appropriate to bill an E/M code in lieu of a procedure code if the procedure is not covered?”
“I am having trouble finding an appropriate code to bill for a procedure to remove tophaceous material at a toe. The location was the left 2nd toe. This was performed in the office and a digital block was utilized to obtain anesthesia at the toe. Using a 3mm dermal curette, approximately 1 mL of tophaceous material was removed and a sterile gauze dressing applied. I planned to use ICD-10 M1A-0721. What CPT would be appropriate in this situation?”