Under reciprocal billing arrangements, a patient’s absentee physician may submit a claim and receive payment for services arranged to be provided by a substitute physician on an occasional basis. The regular physician should identify the service as substitute physician services and bill with the Q5 modifier (service furnished by a substitute physician under a reciprocal billing arrangement).
“Can you evaluate and manage onychomycosis without debridement for the purpose of treating onychomycosis for an established patient? This would be in the absence of pain and underlying conditions, specifically with Medicare patients. Is it a covered condition for just evaluation and management? Would tinea pedis be covered as a sole diagnosis for evaluation and management?”
“We have had more than one claim where Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oklahoma is paying for CPT 28122 but denying CPT 28306, despite the use of the 59 modifier. Our question is why wouldn’t CPT 28306 be allowed instead of CPT 28122 as it is far more work? We are trying to determine how to appeal this.”