For Traditional MIPS you must submit 6 quality measures.
You can earn up to 10 points for each quality measure. This means your maximum score for quality in the MIPS program is 60 points. Many providers automatically assume that if they have a performance of 95% on a MIPS quality measure, they will earn 9.5 out of a possible 10 points for that measure. That assumption is not always true.
For each MIPS measure your score is compared to the score of ALL other providers who submitted that measure. Remember in college you were graded on a curve so if your score on a test was an 80 and class average on that test was a 70 you had a great score, but if class average on that same test was a 90 you had a very poor score? MIPS is scored the same way.
In addition, the scoring for Claims Based Submission is different from the score for Registry Submission, so even though it is the same measure, think of it as two different classes on the same subject.
Looking at Measure 47 – Advanced Care Plan for Claims Based Submission.
If your performance for Measure 47 is 95% you will only get 2 out of a possible 10 points for that measure.
For Registry submission a score of 95% will get you 6 points on that same measure.
What we see here is Registry based submission will significantly improve your MIPS score when compared to Claims Based Submission.
Now looking at a measure that is Podiatry Specific Measure - 126 Diabetes Mellitus: Diabetic Foot and Ankle Care, Peripheral Neuropathy - Neurological Evaluation
This measure is not available to submit via claims, in fact there are very few measures that can be submitted via claims.
A score of 95% for Measure 126 on Registry Based Submission will get you 4 points, in fact a score of 100% for Measure 126 will only get you 7 points. A perfect score on this measure will not get you a full 10 points. This is because the measure is topped out and the measure is capped.
A measure becomes capped when many providers have done very well on a measure for a number of years.
When you select a provider to assist you with your MIPS submission it is important to select a team that will meet with you regularly – we recommend monthly – and look not only at your performance on a specific measure but also how many points you will earn for that measure. At Registry Clearinghouse we work with you to select the measures that not only fit best with your practice workflow, but are also most likely to enable you to score well in the MIPS Program. Schedule a call with Registry Clearinghouse today.
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