What is the most appropriate way(s) to bill for the correction of a hammertoe deformity?
The CPT codes involved are the following:
28108 Excision or curettage of bone cyst or benign tumor, phalanges of foot
28124 Partial excision (craterization, saucerization, sequestrectomy, or diaphysectomy) bone (e.g., osteomyelitis or bossing); phalanx of toe
28270 Capsulotomy; metatarsophalangeal joint, with or without tenorrhaphy, each joint (separate procedure)
28272 Capsulotomy; interphalangeal joint, each joint (separate procedure)
28285 Correction, hammertoe (eg. interphalangeal fusion, partial or total phalangectomy, arthroplasty) 28286 Correction, cocked-up fifth toe, with plastic skin closure (e.g., Ruiz-Mora type procedure)
28310 Osteotomy, shortening, angular or rotational correction; proximal phalanx, first toe (separate procedure)
28312 Osteotomy, shortening, angular or rotational correction; other phalanges, any toe.
Multiple procedures performed on a single digit to correct a hammertoe deformity are usually considered a hammertoe correction and payable to a maximum 28285 code value.
A Hammertoe Correction:
- 1. May include an excision of a portion of bone, with or without fusion or fixation of the digit, with or without a kwire or any other mode of internal fixation.
Includes all skin and soft tissue corrections, repairs, incisions, or excision at the interphalangeal joints or metatarsal phalangeal joint.
- 2. Multiple exostectomies performed at the same time on the same toe are considered incidental and are included in the reimbursement for a hammertoe.
- 3. A matrix correction done in addition to the hammertoe correction is usually payable at 50% of the primary procedure code. This is an example of two unrelated procedures performed on the same toe, same date of service.
- 4. Code 14040 is usually not considered appropriate for de-rotation of the 5th toe. Most carriers will pay this procedure as 28285 or 28286. CPT code 14040 is defined as the following: Adjacent tissue transfer or rearrangement, feet; defect 10 sq. cm or less.
- 5. Insertion of an interphalangeal implant into toes 2-5 is as part of a hammertoe correction is considered included in the 28285 reimbursement.
This is my opinion.
Michael G. Warshaw
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